Alhamisi, 13 Februari 2014

Vitamin E for your reproductive health.

Vitamins are organic substances which play important functions in our body that needs vitamins in very small quantities and cannot produce them by itself. Hence must be provided by foods.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is a fat-soluble vitamin that is more abundant in plant foods than in animal origin.

Takes part in the formation of reproductive cells (spermatozoids and ovules). It improves the fertility of the semen. It is recommended to women who have a tendency to abort.

Apart from reproductive health it is also important in other roles such as protects cells against aging possibly because of its antioxidant action, exerts protective action against cancer and facilitates the good operation of the nervous system and of the pituitary gland which controls the hormone production of the body.
Vitamin E abounds throughout nature especially in plant foods such as cereal germs, vegetable oils and nuts.
Let us not overdose our bodies with drugs when we can cure ourselves with foods that the mother nature provide us with.

Jumatatu, 30 Desemba 2013

Jumatano, 27 Novemba 2013

Nafasi za kazi kutoka utumishi

Nafasi za kazi 2748 kutoka utumishi. Kwa maelezo zaidi tembelea

Preparation of mango sorbet recipe

  •  4 Mangoes - peeled, seeded and cubed
  • 1 Cup simple syrup
  • 3 table spoons fresh lime


  1. Place cubed mango in a food processor, and puree. Pour in simple syrup and lime juice, and puree until smooth.
  2. Place in an ice cream maker. Freeze thoroughly.

To make simple syrup, boil a cup of water and then stir in a cup of sugar until the sugar is dissolved. To give it more fruit flavor, add the lime zest from two limes to the water before boiling it. Once the simple syrup is made, add the lime juice from both limes. Once it cools a bit, put in the fridge for a while.

How to make ice cream without the ice cream maker

Make sure you have a bowl that’s quite wide to use for the churning/freezing process that comes next. Take your ice cream recipe mixture and carefully pour it into the bowl, then chill in the fridge for up to 2 hours, checking on it after 1 hour. The reason it can take longer than an hour is when a recipe mixture has had cooked ingredients added, therefore thorough chilling will take longer. Take the bowl out of the fridge and transfer to the freezer for about half an hour. Then check just how much the mixture has frozen - ideally, it should have started to freeze at the edges but not fully through to the centre. Take the bowl out of the freezer and beat the ice cream mixture until it’s creamy once again (to dislodge and break up the ice crystals that have formed). Put it back in the freezer for another half hour, then remove and once again beat with a whisk. Do this again so that you have beaten the mixture a total of 3 times whilst freezing in between. Put the mixture back into the freezer for a final time until it’s ready to eat. This can take anything from 30 minutes upwards, depending upon the quantity and type of ice cream you’re making and also how you like the consistency of your ice cream (some people like it softer, some harder).

Jumanne, 26 Novemba 2013

Fahari ya Tanzania, Ngome kongwe, Zanzibar

Mji wa Zanzibar ni moja kati ya miji ya kihistoria inayopatikana Tanzania inayobeba historia ya miaka mingi iliyopita na matukio ambayo kizazi cha sasa wanapaswa kuyafahamu kwani ni moja kati ya chimbuko la Tanzania

Fahari ya Tanzania

Haya ndio mambo mazuri yanayopatikana nchini Tanzania kwenye mbuga za wanyama.